Etichetă: ceas american

ceas Waltham anii ’50, mecanism UTC 2291


Acest ceas Waltham, fabricat în urmă cu aproape 60 de ani, este echipat cu un mecanism cu armare manuală ştanţat UTC 2291, cu 21 de rubine şi secundar central. Acest tip de mecanism are amortizoare atît la balansier cît şi la roata ancorei şi la roata secundară ! Este marcat Waltham pe roata de la caseta arcului. Ceasul are dimensiunile de 37×40 mm şi distanţa între anse de 18 mm. Carcasa este din oţel (într-o vreme în care chiar puţine manufacturi elveţiene îşi permiteau acest „lux”; însă americanii aveau în spate o industrie în plin avînt) iar capacul spate este tot din oţel, ambele în stare perfectă. Remontoarul este cel original. Cadranul este în stare foarte bună, cu indecşi orari şi indicatoare argintii, în ton cu carcasa, şi pus în valoare de roşul viu al vîrfului secundarului şi al logo-ului mărcii. Un ceas păstrat în condiţie excelentă pentru vîrsta lui.


Firma de ceasuri Waltham s-a nascut din şi pentru revoluţia industrială americană. A fost înfiinţată în 1850 de Aaron Lufkin Dennison (vezi foto 7), Edward Howard și David Davis în orăşelul Roxbury. În 1854 fabrica a fost mutată în oraşul Waltham şi a început să producă ceasuri pentru industria textilă în plină dezvoltare. Aaron Lufkin Dennison (1812-1895), un om cu o energie fără odihnă şi plin de curiozitate, a fost vizionarul care a conceput aproape în întregime ceea ce avea să devină Waltham Watch Company (vezi foto 8). Din nefericire, Dennison era mai bun ca vizionar decît ca om de afaceri, iar Watham a intrat în faliment la numai şapte ani de la înfiinţare. Salvatorul companiei Waltham şi farul ei călăuzitor a fost Royal E. Robbins. Acesta a preluat ce mai rămăsese din fabrică la o licitaţie apoi a investit masiv în tehnologie, specialişti şi reclamă, pentru a crea cea mai mare manufactură de ceasuri din lume, la vremea aceea…..>>

760 lei

unique: Elgin pocket watch, silver 950, hunting caliber, 1898, engraving Joseph Duveen (the largest art dealer of all the time). Museum piece!


This silver 950 Elgin pocket watch (Birmingham markings on the crown and inside of the rear covers) is equipped with a 6 Elgin 151 hunter caliber manufactured approximately in 1898, with 7 rubies and secondary peripheral. This mechanism was manufactured in only 49,000 copies. The watch has a diameter of 52 mm and a total thickness of 15 mm, and the mechanism has a diameter of 41.9 mm and a height of 6.6 mm. The bimetallic balancer, provided with compensation screws, performs 18,000 alternations per hour, and the motor spring ensures, fully loaded, a 34-hour power reserve. The mechanism, with the series 25210591, is of a shiny gold (the photos failed to capture its beauty) and is marked Elgin Natl Watches U.S.A. The swing deck is very beautifully engraved manually (see photo 4, 6, 12, 14, 17 and 19). The Dennison 950 silver casing (markings on the lid for both the manufacturer and the metal title) is in perfect condition. All three caps stamp the same series: 421296. The enamel dial, with Roman numerals and superb thermally blue cathedral indicators, specific to the period, is in excellent condition. The front cover, engraved with Roman figures, has a round opening, through which you can see the position of the indicators. When rigging, the clock makes a sound like crickets, and the sound produced by the moving gears is one of the most melodious of the entire watchmaking (perhaps due to the silver casing, which acts as a resonance box). But what makes this watch truly unique is the inscription engraved on the back: „For A. Muller Ury, best portraitist and devoted friend, 1923, Sir Joseph Duveen”. This watch is a true museum piece, according to the inscription it belonged to Joseph Duveen, considered the greatest art dealer of all time, and was given to one of his best friends, the painter Adolfo Muller Ury, who takes it made 3 portraits of Duveen.


Adolfo Muller Ury (March 29, 1862 – July 6, 1947) was an American painter, born in Switzerland. A portraitist, in particular, but also an impressionist, A. Muller Ury came from a family of vase patricians of Switzerland, being the sixth of the 19 children of the family. The largest public collections of his work can be found at The Historisches Museum von Uri (Altdorf, Switzerland), which holds ten canvases, including a large canvas. Joseph Duveen’s portrait has been painted by several artists, but the best one was one by his friend, Adolfo Muller-Ury. In fact, he painted it three times, in 1923, 1929 and 1938. The 1923 portrait, considered the best of all, was reproduced on the cover of Meryle Secrest’s 2004 biography, and later sold to TEFAF Maastricht in 2006. A Muller Ury is also the author of portraits of American presidents as well as most of the American billionaires of the time.


Anyone who admired Gainsborough’s „Blue Boy” from the Huntington Collection in California, or „Aristotle looking at Homer’s bust,” from Rembrandt, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and other Renaissance masterpieces, owes this pleasure. , this privilege to be in front of a great work of art by Joseph Duveen. Considered the most influential and greatest art dealer of all time, Duveen sold the European masterpieces of Titian, Botticelli, Giotto, Vermeer or Da Vinci to the wealthy wealthy American billionaires – J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Huntington, Samuel H. Kress, Henry Clay Frick, William Randolph Hearst and Andrew Mellon, just to name a few. It is no exaggeration to say that Joseph Duveen is behind every major private art collection in the United States. Joseph Duveen (October 14, 1869 – May 25, 1939), the first of 13 children in his family, inherited the ability to see a true treasure in the occupation of his father, the owner of a thriving antique business. After the death of his father, Duveen moved the company to the more risky but profitable painting market and became the world’s leading art dealer. He made a fortune by buying art from declining European aristocrats and selling it to American billionaires. He made many philanthropic donations and contributed to the repair and extension of many British art galleries, which in 1919 brought him the title of knight, and in 1927 that of baron. The rapid rise of the tireless and enterprising dealer, from his humble beginnings to the top of the pyramid, the key to Duveen’s success, was his simple observation that while Europe had art, America had the money!

4.500 EUR

ceas Bradley Mickey Mouse aproape NOS, de colecţie, mecanism EB 8805


… ceas Bradley Mickey Mouse … colecţie … ceas de copii … ceas pentru copii … mecanism elveţian … Ebauche Bettlach 8805 … EB 8805 … eşapament pin lever … Balansierul … Kif-Protechoc … Georges Frederic Roskopf … ceasornicarului francez Louis Perron … ceasornicar parizian Louis-Gabriel Brocot … Jules Grossmann … ancoră cu pini … ancoră cu palete … celebrului personaj animat Mickey Mouse … Walt Disney Productions … Mickey Mouse … ceas pentru copii … muzeele mari ale lumii … British Museum … Museum of Modern Art din New York.


… ceasurilor cu personaje Disney  … Ingersoll … primul ceas Mickey Mouse … ceas de mînă decorat cu un personaj de desene animate … Societatea Ora … Timex … ceasuri Disney … Helbros, Hamilton, Elgin, Vantage … ceasuri Mickey Mouse … Disneyland-uri … Bradley Time Division … colecţionarilor de ceasuri cu personaje animate … Comic Character Timepieces … Comic Character Timepieces: seven decades of memories, Hy Brown, Nancy Thomas, Schiffer Publishing, 1992 … Bugs Bunny, Underdog, Cat in the Hat, Hot Wheels, ursul Smoky, Barbie, Sesame street, Star Wars, Raggedy Ann, Holly Hobbie, Popeye marinarul, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Elvis Presley, W.C. Fields, Abbott and Costello, Stan şi Bran, cei 3 purceluşi, Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Minnie Mouse, răţoiul Donald, Goofy, Cenuşăreasa, Mary Poppins, Alice în Ţara Minunilor, Albă ca Zăpada.

0496 – VÎNDUT !!!